Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Global ecological and economic management of the interaction of natural and anthropogenic components of urbosystems
Author:Dudnyk A. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The article deals with ecological and economic problems of interaction between natural and anthropogenic components of agglomerative urban systems. Traditionally, cities performed many functions, including fortifications, political, administrative, educational, scientific and industrial, transport, commercial and even religious, and depending on location, natural conditions and historical circumstances, urban settlements differed in their spatial location and population. Cities have evolved into historical instruments of social transformation, cultural development, the emergence of civil society, and dramatic social change. As access to infrastructure (water and electricity, transport, trade, etc.) and to public services is cheaper and more affordable in cities, it is constantly attracting new waves of migrant workers and investors to agglomerations, providing increased living standards and enhancing anthropogenic load on natural ecosystems. The Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, of which our state is a party, states that «large and small cities are centers of civilization, which are the driving forces of economic development, social, spiritual and scientific progress», and therefore it is necessary to focus efforts on creating healthy living conditions, ensuring access to usable drinking water and the rational disposal of industrial and household waste. At the same time, it is advisable to delegate environmental control functions to the local level of territorial communities, as they are most interested in respecting the environmental rights of residents of settlements and have the ability to respond promptly to negative changes in the environment. 
Keywords:Urban system, Sustainable development, Urban agglomeration, Environmental security, Environmental economics
File of the article:EV20194_191-201.pdf
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