Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Development of an approach to the formation of non-financial motivation of employees of enterprises of railway transport in the conditions of digitalization
Authors:Dykan V. L., Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport,
Obruch H. V., Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Annotation:Methods. The research was carried out on the basis of the use of such general scientific methods as: general and special – in establishing the features and identifying the shortcomings of the motivation system operating in the enterprises; analysis and synthesis – at substantiation of expediency of transformation of system of intangible component of labor motivation at the enterprises of railway transport; grouping – when segmenting employees according to their dominant values.Results. The article determines that digital transformations have led to a change in the behavior of employees and the transformation of their career values and motivational incentives. It is established that for the contemporary employee, along with the material determinants of motivation, non-material incentives to work are also of leading importance. A description of foreign models of personnel motivation was submitted, which defines the key principles of motivation, tools for material, non-material incentives, including professional ones, for employees. The list of basic guarantees, surcharges and compensations included in the social package for employees of railway transport enterprises is given. Based on the study of the features and disadvantages of the current system of motivation at the enterprises of the industry, the dominant motivational and demotivational factors in the field of material incentives and incentives for employees are established. It is determined that despite a wide range of social guarantees for employees operating at railway transport enterprises, the current level of implementation does not meet the real needs of employees. The set of benefits, guarantees, additional payments and compensations for employees included in the social package operating at railway transport enterprises does not currently implement a motivational function and needs to be transformed in accordance with the requirements of the digital society. Novelty. Based on the fact that under the influence of digitalization processes, variable values and preferences of employees occur, the expediency of transforming the system of non-material component of labor motivation in railway transport enterprises is justified. The proposed approach to the formation of a system of non-material motivation of employees at railway transport enterprises in the conditions of digital-to-VSAT, which provides for the segmentation of workers according to their dominant values and development on this basis of a competitive program (benefits and rewards) motivation. Practical value. The proposed approach to the formation of a system of non-material motivation will increase the flexibility of the system of moral incentives and to ensure it meets the needs of staff in terms of implementation of digital transformation in the industry. 
Keywords:The system of non-material labor motivation, Dominant values, Railway transport enterprises, Employee segmentation, Principles, Approach, Stages, Digitalization, Motivational and demotivation factors, Social package
File of the article:EV20201_096-107.pdf
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