Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Synectic approach to intellectualization of management of enterprise’s holistic development
Author:Chobitok V. I., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis allowed to highlight that domestic enterprises need innovative technologies, which include methods for developing creativity and innovative thinking among managers and employees, the task is to achieve competitive advantages in the production products or the provision services. For this, it is necessary to use tools to generate new ideas and intellectualize the management of enterprise’s holistic development. One such tool is the synectic approach which results in the generation of ideas convertible in favor for implementation in practice. Results. The author determined that the application of the synectic approach to intellectualize the management of the enterprise’s holistic development is the basis for the search and implementation of new solutions for permanent and current problems, they help to successfully overcome difficulties, seek new ideas and radically change the vector orientation of the enterprise through the production of innovative products or by providing services. It is shown that the members of the synectic group should be characterized by creative maturity, rich imagination and fantasy, independence and impartiality of thoughts, the ability to take risks, the ability to abstract from habitual judgments, thinking outside the box and seeing into the essence the phenomenon; they also should be relaxed and free in their thoughts, be friendly to accept other people's ideas, be able to stop the development of the existing ideas found in order to search for new ones, be purposeful and believe in the possibility of solving a problem. Novelty. The analogies the synectic approach to the intellectualization of management of holistic enterprise development are determined. It is revealed that in the synectic approach to the intellectualization of managing the holistic enterprise development there are no creative tools and generation technologies that can radically overcome thinking stereotypes by using fundamentally different thinking mechanisms: analogies, associations, metaphors and images. A synectic approach to the intellectualization of management of holistic enterprise development is proposed. Practical value. It is determined that the synectic approach to the intellectualization of management of holistic enterprise development consists in uniting individual participants in the creative process into a single group for the joint formulation and solution of specific problems using criticism, comparisons and analogies. This can significantly improve the effectiveness of management functions in the enterprise. 
Keywords:Synectic approach, Management intellectualization, Holistic development, Staff, Company
File of the article:EV20201_145-151.pdf
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