Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Pension system and methods of its assessment
Author:Prykhodchenko O. Yu., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: the method of abstraction – in determining the essence of “pension system” concept; analysis and synthesis – in determining the objectives and principles of the pension system structure, the study of methods for its evaluation, the development of pension system scheme; standard methods of statistical research – in carrying out the analysis of a condition of pension provision in Ukraine. Results. Based on the analysis of existing methodological approaches to the study of pension systems, a pension system has been defined, on the one hand, as a system of subjects of the country's pension provision, which is determined by state regulations, and on the other, as a system of legal and organizational-managerial norms, principles and methods that regulate the activities of these entities with the purpose of ensuring a certain level of well-being of the population. The main objectives and principles of the pension system are formulated. The information support necessary for modeling and evaluating the pension system is investigated. Based on the data from the reports of the pension fund, the size, structure of pension payments, and the wage replacement rate for pensions are analyzed. The analysis showed that the largest percentage of pension payments belongs to old-age pensions, the vast majority of pension payments (69%) are in the range from UAH 1,500 to 2,000, which is slightly higher than the living wage for the able-bodied. The replacement rate from 2009 to 2017 tended to decrease, which is a negative phenomenon. However, in recent years it has increased to some extent. Novelty. A scheme of the pension system of Ukraine has been developed, on which all three levels of the pension system are presented, and for each of them individual and general factors affecting pension payments are highlighted. Practical value. The basic demographic and economic indicators that underlie the assessment of the pension system and the criteria that should be guided in the study and development of pension systems are proposed. 
Keywords:Pension system, Solidarity rate, Funded rate, Pension principles, Demographic ratio, Replacement rate
File of the article:EV20202_088-096.pdf
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