Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Conceptual-behavioral bases of intensification of industrial railway transport enterprises under conditions of neoindustrial modernization on the basis of re-engineering
Author:Protsenko V. M., Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
Annotation:Methods. With the help of methods of generalization and systematization of theoretical principles on the formation of conceptual and behavioral fundamentals of intensification of management of industrial enterprises of railway transport in the context of neo-industrial modernization on the basis of reengineering, the need to realize the ability to quickly adapt enterprises to new consumer requirements, to build processes in such a way as to obtain the maximum effect with minimal financial and labor costs, which will be characterized by spasmodic improvement in performance. Results. The author determined that the essence of the conceptual and behavioral basis for intensifying the management of industrial enterprises of railway transport in the conditions of neoindustrial modernization based on reengineering consists in mastering innovations to ensure the competitiveness of products and, ultimately, the development of the enterprise. It is shown that the economic behavior of such enterprises should be aimed at achieving strategic goals by optimizing the effectiveness of activities through organization based on streamlining horizontal ties in the structure of management intensification. Novelty. Modern conceptual and behavioral foundations for intensifying the management of industrial enterprises of railway transport in the conditions of neo-industrial modernization are proposed. The results of the effective economic behavior of railway enterprises in the conditions of neo-industrial modernization after reengineering are determined. Practical value. It is determined that reengineering is used in the formation of economic behavior in those cases when it is necessary to make a managerial decision on the reorganization of activities, namely: carrying out fundamental transformations, restructuring, changing existing management systems to innovative-creative and the like. An industrial enterprise of railway transport, wishing to improve its position in the market, should improve or introduce innovative technologies and ways of organizing their activities. 
Keywords:Industrial enterprises of railway transport, Economic behavior of enterprises, Intensification of management, Reengineering, Neo-industrial modernization
File of the article:EV20202_115-122.pdf
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