Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Strategically-oriented directions of innovative development of industrial enterprises
Authors:Prokhorova V. V., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy,
Bozhanova E. V., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of the following methods: abstraction – when establishing the essence of the concept of «innovative development of an enterprise»; systematization and grouping – when classifying the directions of innovative development of an industrial enterprise. Results. Modern generally accepted definitions of the concept of «innovative development of an enterprise» are examined, their specific features are highlighted, and lack of unity regarding understanding of this category is demonstrated. The innovative development of an industrial enterprise is presented as an economic process, the elements of which are growth and stagnation. The signs of the cyclical nature of innovative development are highlighted, and the qualitative price of the components of economic dynamics is presented. The theoretical foundations for classifying the directions of innovative development of an enterprise are extended. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches, the essence of the basic concepts is clarified, the most unified are the systems and process approaches. Novelty. Authors’ definition of the concept of «innovative development of an industrial enterprise» is proposed, which is purposeful, regular, irreversible changes in the activities of the enterprise in the strategic period, based on the introduction of new or improved technologies, products or services; given the permanent effectiveness of the implementation of managerial decisions of an organizational and technical nature (production, administrative, commercial, etc.), which in multi-vector way increases the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise. The classification of areas of innovative development of an industrial enterprise is supplemented. Practical value. It is proved that for the implementation of effective financial and economic activities of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to constantly develop and implement a strategy for innovative development. Accordingly, an effective innovation development strategy can become an effective tool in modern competition. Strategies for the innovative development of an industrial enterprise should be implemented not only at the enterprise level, but also at the state level, providing favorable investment conditions, improving innovative, economic and tax policies, as well as the legal environment in the country. 
Keywords:Innovative development of an enterprise, Formation, Classification, Direction of innovative development of an enterprise, Strategy of innovative development of an enterprise
File of the article:EV20202_132-140.pdf
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