Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Project team management in modern conditions
Authors:Obydiennova T. S., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
Dudnieva Yu. E., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
Vasylieva M. O., Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to highlight that in a rapidly changing external environment, urgent issues are the search for effective approaches to enterprise management. One of these areas is the division of the enterprise into separate projects. As a result, there is a vital need for choosing approaches to managing the project team. For this, it is necessary to use all available limited resources of the enterprise in the process of implementing the general management functions. It is relevant to apply a resource-functional approach to managing a project team as a functional unit of an enterprise. Results. The authors determined that the formation of the project team in modern conditions is possible in several options. Each of these options is chosen by the enterprise management depending on clearly defined conditions for the operation of the enterprise. In addition, in modern conditions, the application of a certain approach to the management of the project team will not give the expected results, therefore it is advisable to apply such an approach to management that maximizes the use of available limited resources of the enterprise in the implementation of common management functions, that is, it is rational to use the resource-functional approach to project team management. Novelty. In the context of rapid changes in the functioning environment of modern enterprises, all volumes of work are distributed in the form of separate projects having clear limitations in time, resources and results, and are carried out in order to achieve unique goals and accomplish tasks. The use of a resource-functional approach to managing a project team in modern conditions for many enterprises is the key to increasing their effectiveness and competitiveness. Practical value. The application of the resource-functional approach to managing the project team in the real activities of Ukrainian enterprises is especially important and will increase competitiveness by using the existing resources of the enterprise and will allow it to implement the management functions most effectively. 
Keywords:Project team, Project activity, Resource-functional approach, Effective management, General management functions, Enterprise resources
File of the article:EV20202_168-174.pdf
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