Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Main trends and prerequisites for the development of machine building enterprises
Author:Ziz D. O., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: analysis, dialectical cognition, comparison, synthesis, theoretical generalization – to study the theoretical trends in the development of mechanical engineering enterprises; grouping, systems analysis, abstract-logical analysis – to form the conclusions of the study; economic-statistical, systems and comparative analysis – to analyze the results of the volume of products produced by machine-building enterprises, their dynamics, composition and structure; graphical analysis – to visualize the results of the study. Results. The current state of the machine-building industry of Ukraine is analyzed. The state and tendencies of development of the enterprises of the machine-building complex of the country in 2014–2019 are investigated. The analysis of the volume of sold products, volumes of produced products, financial results of machine - building enterprises is carried out. The place and role of mechanical engineering among other branches of economy are defined, the basic problems are revealed and prospects of development of branch are defined. The main tendencies of structural restructuring of the mechanical engineering branch are formulated. Novelty. The characteristics of the main problems of the industry are given and the classification of factors of influence of external and internal environment on machine-building enterprises is carried out. Positive and negative factors of influence of the state and modern conditions of economic condition on the machine-building branch of Ukraine are considered. Trends in the development of mechanical engineering are identified and the problems faced by machine-building enterprises that slow down their development are identified, and possible prospects for the development of mechanical engineering in the country are outlined. Practical value. It is possible to apply the developed and presented suggestions for the formation of modern trends in machine-building enterprises, in order to increase the efficiency of their management, increase profitability and ensure the competitiveness of products. The obtained conclusions and results of the research, the given methodical recommendations will promote effective functioning of the machine-building enterprises in the world markets. 
Keywords:Branch, Machine building, Enterprise, Modern tendencies, Preconditions of development, Factors of influence on machine-building enterprises, External and internal environment
File of the article:EV20202_193-201.pdf
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