Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Institutional changes of the economy in the context of evolution of D. North’s views
Author:Pylypenko H. M., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The study is based on the systematic analysis, which in being used in historical and economic research and allows to implement the principle of development and thus trace the changes of theoretical ideas of D. North regarding the institutional development of the economy. Along with this, such methods were used in the process of research: comparison – while comparing the views of the scholar, which are presented in the works of different periods of his work; typology – while identifying the stages of development of D. North’s ideas about sources and factors of institutional changes. Results. It was found that the formation of the concept of institutional changes took a long time and could be explained by D. North’s gradual awareness of the multifactorial nature of this process. It is shown how the views of the scholar evolved in this subject area of scientific research – from the first attempts to apply institutional analysis to the process of solving the problem of economic growth of countries up to studying the impact on socio-economic development of culture and cognitive processes. Both the genesis of D. North’s ideas about the essence of institutions, methodological principles of distinguishing them from organizations, and the formation of ideas about the main driving force of institutional changes are analyzed. Novelty. The stages of formation and development of D. North’s ideas about the sources and factors of institutional changes in society are pointed out. The potential of interdisciplinary analysis in the process of studying the sources and factors of socio-economic development of society is demonstrated. Practical value. Consideration of D. North’s scientific heritage in terms of evolution of his views regarding institutional changes of economy and society as a whole allows us to more widely appreciate his contribution into economics, as well as expand our understanding about the determinants of socio-economic development. 
Keywords:Neo-institutional theory, D. North, Institutions, Organizations, Institutional changes, Socio-economic development, Shifts in relative prices, Ideology, Tastes and preferences, Technology, Influence of culture on the evolution of institutions
File of the article:EV20203_009-017.pdf
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