Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Cybersecurity and becoming of the digital economy: problems of interconnection
Author:Kindzerskyi Yu. V., Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the study includes general scientific and specific methods of understanding the processes and phenomena of digital economic transformation: statistical methods – for data processing in assessing the level of digital economic transformation; expert assessments – for determining factors influencing the digital economy; correlation analysis – in establishing the relationship between the determinants and the scale of digitalization of the economy, etc. Results. The importance of cybersecurity in the formation of the digital economy is revealed. The level of readiness of countries to protect data in cyberspace according to the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) and the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) is analyzed, and the specifics of their content are revealed. The emphasis is on assessing the impact of cybersecurity on the level of development of the digital economy. The problem of volatility of the relationship between cybersecurity and the level of digital development is identified through the prism of indicators of ICT development and network readiness. It is concluded that increasing the level of cybersecurity inevitably leads to accelerated development of the digital economy and a corresponding increase in overall welfare. It is proposed to focus the state's efforts on the development and implementation of effective cybersecurity systems of public and corporate governance, research on the development of cybersecurity in legal, organizational, and technical aspects, conducting information and training campaigns to raise public awareness and skills in the field of cybersecurity. Novelty. The relationship between cyberspace security and digital development has been established. It is shown that increasing the level of cybersecurity is a necessary but insufficient condition for more active use of information and communication technologies and acceleration of the pace of development of the digital economy. Practical value. The results allow a more flexible approach to the formation of the parameters of state policy on cybersecurity. 
Keywords:Digital economy, Cybersecurity, Cyberspace, Big data, Cloud computing, Internet of things, Phishing
File of the article:EV20203_018-026.pdf
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