Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of organizational culture and development as a basis of stable enterprise activity
Authors:Arefieva O. V., National Aviation University,
Arefiev S. O., Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: analysis, dialectical cognition, comparison, analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization – for the study of organizational culture management at an enterprise; grouping and systems analysis – to highlight the areas that form the organizational component of the enterprise development; abstract-logical analysis – to determine the mutual subordination of the processes of development of the organization and organizational development; comparative analysis – to establish the characteristics of the organizational culture at the enterprise; economic and statistical – to analyze the results of managing organizational culture and the formation of a stable enterprise development. Results. The factors of influence on the organizational culture of the enterprise are analyzed, and it is determined that its development is directly related to the process of systematic and purposeful improvement of the organizational culture by building more rational management structures, regulating the functions of divisions, streamlining production processes in time and space, creating conditions for uninterrupted functioning. The main directions of the influence of organizational culture on the external and internal environment of the enterprise are formulated. Novelty. The directions of the influence of organizational culture on the activities of a modern enterprise are determined. The analysis of the influence of factors of the internal environment on the organizational culture of the enterprise is carried out and the main methodological approaches to their management are determined. The main methods of adapting the organizational culture of the enterprise and ensuring its stable development are formed. The features of the organizational culture at the enterprise are determined and the main directions of decisionmaking in the management of this area are highlighted. Practical value lies in the possibility of using the developed proposals for managing the organizational culture at the enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its management, to increase the level of profitability and ensure competitiveness as a component of stable development. 
Keywords:Management, Organizational development, Organizational culture, Stability of activity, Enterprise, Organizational adaptation, Factors of influence on organizational culture
File of the article:EV20203_109-117.pdf
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