Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Econometrics in management decision making
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic and mathematical modeling of the sustainable economic development processes
Authors:Lebedeva V. K., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Savchuk L. N., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Kovalchuk A. K., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Savchuk R. V., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: the method of abstractions in determining the essence of the category of «sustainable economic development»; economic and mathematical methods in the modeling of the sustainable economic development processes; the methods of the physical economy in the development of the optimization criterion in the model. Results. There are revealed the defects of some models of the sustainable economic development processes. It is shown that economic activity is the generalized criterion for the model of the sustainable economic development processes. This criterion corresponds to the principles of the sustainable development by Jay W. Forrester, Dennis L. Meadows and concept of the physical economy by Serhei A. Podolynskyi. The problem of sustainable development management is considered as an optimization one with different optimization criteria, namely: minimum time or minimum energy. The synthesis of energy saving and time saving criteria is a more accurate indicator in determining the main paths of sustainable economic development. According to the variational principle, such a generalized criterion can be the criterion of the minimum of socio-economic action, which has the dimension of the product of energy over time. The proposed optimization model makes it possible to obtain energy and time parameters for the processes of sustainable economic development. Novelty. The generalized criterion of the economic activity, what takes into account parameters of the time and energy for sustainable economic development. Practical value. The proposed optimization model may be used in the economic systems management oriented at the principles of the sustainable development. 
Keywords:Sustainable economic development, Energy saving, Time saving, Socio-economic activity, Economic-mathematical model, Objective function, Gross domestic product, Elasticity coefficients, Energy constant, Lagrange function
File of the article:EV20203_126-133.pdf
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