Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №3 (71)
Section:Economics of enterprise
UDK:330.341.1: 622.271.3
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Current state of innovative activity at industrial enterprises of Ukraine
Authors:Vagonova O. H., Dnipro University of Technology,
Gosalova S. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Terekhov E. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: statistical – in the depiction of empirical indicators that characterize the level of innovation activity of industrial enterprises; comparison – when comparing the level of financial support for innovation in Ukraine and abroad; scientific generalization and systematization – in determining the appropriate areas of innovation of industrial enterprises. Results. The current state of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is determined. The characteristic of conditions of innovative activity at the industrial enterprises is given. It is substantiated that in the modern market environment of industrial enterprises the introduction of innovations is a means of ensuring their competitiveness and achieving production efficiency. Foreign experience in developing innovations in the industrial sector is evaluated. The most relevant areas of innovation activity of industrial enterprises are identified, among which the most important are the improvement of manufacturing technology and improvement of its functional properties. Novelty. The methodical bases of substantiating the expedient direction of improvement of model of innovative development of the industrial enterprise are represented. The factors of innovative activity of an industrial enterprise are determined. Practical value. It is established that the transition to an innovative model of industrial enterprise development should be carried out on the basis of changes in the management of the internal environment of enterprises, according to which recommendations are given concerning organizational transformations that will positively affect the innovation potential of a business entity. 
Keywords:Innovation activity, Industrial enterprise, Type of innovations, Efficiency, Production, Market, Competitiveness
File of the article:EV20203_189-196.pdf
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