Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Аccounting and audit
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Harmonization of the accounting of capital investments of an enterprise
Authors:Shyshkova N. L., Dnipro University of Technology,
Shevchenko O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. In the process of considering the accounting system of capital investments of domestic enterprises there were used methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of observation, methods of induction and deduction, methods of comparison and analogy, graphical, logical, and tabular methods. The methodological and logical basis of the study were the methods of analysis, synthesis, and observation, which provided an opportunity to update the main problems of accounting the capital investments today. Deduction and induction techniques were used to determine the place of capital investment in the accounting system. A graphical method was used to build a document flow chart and take into account the factors that affect the capital investment process. The method of comparison has been applied to determine the specifics of accounting the capital investments in accordance with IFRS. The generalization method was used in systematizing the results of comparing national standards and IFRS. The method of analogy was used in the study of accounting free capital investment. Results. Differences in the regulation of capital investment accounting between national and international accounting standards have been identified. A detailed schedule of document circulation in the implementation of capital investments by enterprises of Ukraine has been formed. The scheme of the investment process in terms of operations of acquisition of assets, their creation by own forces, and carrying out construction work by economic and contractual ways is presented. The solution to the problem of consistency of the data of the statistical reporting form with the financial reporting prepared according to IFRS is offered. The procedure for accounting the free receipt of capital investments in accounting according to national standards is proposed, and alternative approaches to the accounting of such transactions under IFRS are considered. Novelty. During the monitoring of the capital investment accounting process, in practice, problematic issues that arose due to the lack of comprehensive methodological support from both the national standards and IFRS were identified, and ways to address them were proposed. Practical value. The considered and systematized ways to eliminate the existing shortcomings of the accounting process of capital investments can serve as a basis for the development of methodological recommendations for the accounting of capital investments. 
Keywords:Capital investment process, Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, Statistical reporting, National accounting regulations (standards), Gratuitous receipt, Financial reporting, Capital investments, Document flow schedule, Fair value
File of the article:EV20204_061-075.pdf
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