Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Benchmarking strategy for planning sustainable development of an enterprise in industrial value chains
Author:Paliekhova L. L., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of scientific principles of determinism, conformity and additionally the following methods: dialectical comparison and generalization to clarify the concept of «benchmarking strategy»; methods of analysis and synthesis – to clarify the benchmarking strategy as a type of competitive strategies; theory of marketing of sustainable development – in the development of a methodical approach to clarifying the strategic vision of enterprise development in a competitive environment; theory of value chains – the formation of methodological approaches to defining the problems of benchmarking as a strategy of competitive development in industrial value chains; methods of synergetic – to study the model of benchmarking as a set of selforganizing and consistent principles of sustainable development and competitiveness of the enterprise. Results. It was revealed that in the context of the globalization of the economy and the general orientation of the world industry towards the global principles of sustainable development, it becomes important for small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine to have a flexible strategy, which, on the one hand, allows them to maximize commercial and market benefits, and on the other, meet the basic requirements of sustainable development. It has been found that for small industrial enterprises, the most appropriate benchmarking strategy is to constantly compare existing sales methods and technologies with the best practices in the market or industry. Novelty. A benchmarking strategy is proposed as a kind of competitive follower strategy (imitation or adaptation) and innovation in marketing technologies. The goal of the strategy is to simultaneously increase competitiveness and achieve compliance with the principles of sustainable development, which leads to an increase in the value of an enterprise in the value chain. A model for the implementation of a follow-up benchmarking strategy for small industrial enterprises has been developed. Practical value. Using the benchmark-follower strategy will allow small industrial enterprises to constantly gain competitive advantages in the domestic market and offer their value in global production chains in the context of Ukraine's European integration. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, Global value chains, Benchmarking, Competitive strategy, Responsible manufacturing, Industrial enterprise, Innovative marketing, Benchmarking implementation models
File of the article:EV20213_054-061.pdf
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