Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Current problems of financial security of business entities in the conditions of FinTech transformation of the financial market
Authors:Krylova O. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Orlova M. S., Dnipro University of Technology,
Zamkovyi O. I., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained using abstraction methods – when defining the essence of the «financial security» category; general and special – when highlighting the concepts of financial security and determining the risks that business entities face when introducing financial technologies; systems method was used in the construction of certain actions to overcome the negative consequences of the introduction of fintech products. Results. The presence of various approaches to determining the financial security of an enterprise is revealed, and its essential characteristics are determined. On the example of the use of cryptocurrency by business entities as an element of the FinTech of the financial market, possible options for violating financial security are demonstrated. There have been determined the consequences of the impact of the spread of cryptocurrency on tax, financial, credit and currency security as components of financial security. The standard and specific types of FinTech risks have been identified, which directly affect the financial security of business entities. It was found that the development of FinTech raises a question for the financial security of authorities regarding the expansion of the scope of regulation and supervision, identification, assessment, reduction and monitoring of the risks of financial innovation. Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries in overcoming the main external and internal risks from the introduction of fintech, directions for minimizing their negative impact on the activities of business entities in the realities of Ukraine are proposed. Novelty. The directions of activities of both government and business structures are proposed, which allow creating the necessary economic and regulatory conditions for the introduction of FinTech in order to improve financial security in the context of fintech market transformation. Practical value. The results of the study allow identifying and applying in practice a number of measures that will minimize the negative consequences of the introduction of FinTech at the level of various business entities. 
Keywords:Financial security, Risk, FinTech, Financial technologies, Digital technologies, Cryptocurrency, Financial innovations, Digital economy
File of the article:EV20213_087-094.pdf
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