Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Popularization of ukrainian ecotourism in international markets
Author:Bezuhla L. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The methodological research toolkit is a systematic approach to the scientific knowledge of economic phenomena and processes, which is adapted to the popularization of ecotourism in international markets. The article uses general scientific and special scientific methods, namely: historical, abstract-logical, monographic, deductive, abstraction and methods of synthesis and analysis. Results. The experience of foreign countries and international organizations in the development of ecological tourism is analyzed and the activities of progressive, scientifically grounded world practices are investigated. The main problems that hinder the implementation of international experience in the Ukrainian space have been identified: lack of state support for the development of rural, ecological (green), agricultural tourism; low level of information support; imperfection of the legislative and regulatory framework; limited amount of investment resources; insufficiently effective use of the mechanism of public-private partnership when attracting non-traditional sources of financing for investment projects; low level of activity of local authorities in the development of ecotourism; lack of tax incentives for those involved in the provision of ecotourism services. The priority directions for the development of ecotourism in Ukraine are given, taking into account foreign experience. The importance of the development and popularization of Ukrainian ecological tourism in international markets as an element of ensuring a stable situation in the tourism industry is noted. Novelty. The methodological approaches to the popularization of Ukrainian ecotourism in international markets and the generalization of priority directions for the promotion of ecotourism in Ukraine, taking into account foreign experience, have been determined, which will make it possible to determine the country's ecotourism infrastructure as more competitive. Practical value. The experience of developed countries unconditionally testifies that for Ukraine and its regions the issue of developing ecotourism is extremely important, relevant and promising. Thanks to this type of tourism, it is possible to ensure economic growth, high-quality social security, increase the welfare, quality and level of the population, and improve the socio-economic development of territories. 
Keywords:Eco-tourism, Tourism promotion, International markets, Tourism development, Promotion of tourism services, International tourism organizations
File of the article:EV20213_105-114.pdf
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