Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Marketing in creating strategic advantages on the services market
Authors:Sapiński A., Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law,
Shynkarenko N. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Pilova K. P., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. When defining the essence of categories, abstraction methods were used; when determining the key factors that determine the direction of the enterprise – methods of sociological research; in the formation of strategic advantages in the service market – methods of synthesis and analysis. Results. The article is devoted to topical issues of the role of marketing in creating strategic advantages in the service market. The views of scientists regarding the essence of the concept of marketing strategy, strategic planning, and competitive advantages have been investigated. Marketing is an important driving tool in the creation and development of strategic advantages in the post market. It is noted that in the current economic conditions in the service market, there is an expansion of opportunities for primary demand, technological changes in services, a redistribution of the market, which means the priority of providing services characterized by a systematic approach to performing work. The process of developing and implementing a particular marketing strategy is directly influenced by a combination of factors that determine the direction of the enterprise in the selected segment. The key factors that explain the need to increase the presence of enterprises in the service market have been identified. The choice of a strategy for an enterprise is a difficult task, but even more difficult is the selection of tools necessary for monitoring the implementation of the strategy and assessing its results. Of fundamental importance is the development and implementation of marketing strategies for an enterprise, which is currently characterized by an increase in demand for its services and a high degree of competition. To a large extent, this situation is due to an increase in the standard of living of the population and an increase in its income. Marketing strategy is a special form of planning and implementation of enterprise plans, which is designed to minimize all the risks that arise on the way to achieving the goal. Novelty. In the process of forming strategic advantages, it is important to develop criteria for evaluating both the implementation process itself and the final stage for the enterprise, when the planned benefits are achieved as a result of the strategy implementation. Practical value. To create strategic advantages in the service market, the development of a marketing strategy at the enterprise is necessary, since it allows you to more efficiently manage available resources and get the highest possible profit. Thus, strategic marketing is a constant, regular process of analysis, planning and adjustment of the company's marketing policy. 
Keywords:Services, Service market, Marketing, Strategy, Strategic planning, Marketing environment, Marketing strategy, Competitive advantages
File of the article:EV20213_115-122.pdf
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