Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Increasing the efficiency of investment in improving the working conditions of employees of coal mines
Author:Kasyanenko L. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the study, the methods of system-logical analysis are used – when evaluating material damage caused by harmful and dangerous working conditions in mines; statistics-economic analysis – when studying the state of working conditions of employees of coal mines and the socio-economic and social organizations environmental consequences of coal mining; economic-mathematical modeling – when developing methodological approaches to assessing socioeconomic consequences of investing in improving the working conditions of coal mine workers. Results. The existing approaches to assessment of investments efficiency to improve working conditions coal mine workers are analized. Economic losses caused by dangerous working conditions in coal mines are considered, the features of investment policy of labor protection for the coal industry of Ukraine are also highlighted. Methodological approaches to determine the values of preventive losses due to the implementation of measures to prevent emergency situations are developed, as well as measures aimed at preventing accidents and occupational diseases in order to assess the effectiveness of investments in improving the working conditions of coal mine workers. The procedure for determining priority investment trends and ways to increase motivation, economic incentives for enterprises to improve working conditions has been substantiated. The factors of a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of labor safety control systems at the enterprises of the coal industry have been determined. Novelty consists in improving the theoretical and methodological approaches to improving investment efficiency of improving working conditions in coal mines. Practical value. The conducted theoretical research and developed methodical provisions allow one to reasonably choose priority areas of investment in improving the working conditions of coal mine workers, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the management system of labor protection of coal mining enterprises. 
Keywords:Investment, Economic assessment, Labour conditions, Coal mines, Prevented damage, Labour protection, Management system
File of the article:EV20213_172-181.pdf
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