Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Section:Finances, accounting and taxation
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Prospects for the development of the banking business of Ukraine in the conditions of global challenges
Authors:Krylova O. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Fedorova O. H., Dnipro University of Technology,
Makovin I. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and scientific-methodological basis of the research is the provisions of economic science, the theory of banking and the monetary system. To assess the level of lending and the risk of credit activities during the period of global challenges, official statistical data were used, and their analysis was performed using statistical and graphical methods. With the use of MS Excel spreadsheets to construct trend lines, a forecast of credit activity and the share of non-performing loans in Ukraine during the martial law period was made. The method of generalization was used in determining the external and internal factors that can affect the banking sector and cause a banking crisis. Results. Specific features and problems of functioning of the banking system of Ukraine in the period of global economic and political challenges are identified. The role played by the effective development of the banking system in the current state of economic development at the national and global levels is defined. It was revealed that the banking system in Ukraine is extremely vulnerable to changes in the global financial markets, which is associated with a constant increase in the volume of attracting external international financial resources to finance the state and financial sectors of the economy. It has been established that global crises affect the state of crediting of the Ukrainian economy, as well as the level of non-repayment of loans. The main ways of activity of the National Bank of Ukraine, aimed at overcoming the negative impact of global crises have been determined taking into account the international experience of banking activity. Novelty. The study determined the impact of global crises on lending by Ukrainian banks to the economic activities of subjects, in particular the Covid-19 pandemic and military actions on the territory of Ukraine. Practical value. Ways to overcome the banking crisis in Ukraine are proposed using international experience and taking into account such factors as the country’s state of war and prospects for its joining the EU. 
Keywords:Banking system, Banking crisis, Lending, NBU, Global crisis, Martial law
File of the article:EV20223_097-103.pdf
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