Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Section:Finances, accounting and taxation
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Diagnostics of the current state of financial market of Ukraine
Authors:Matviichuk V. I., Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus,
Maksymovych A. M., Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the work of domestic and foreign scientists. The results were obtained with the application of a system of methods: the method of logical analysis made it possible to develop the logic of the research; deductions - to identify certain factors affecting the development of the financial market; generalization and synthesis - for the formation of a scientific approach to the development of the financial market. Methods of statistical analysis were used to assess the dynamics and structure of financial market components. The graphic method made it possible to visualize the obtained research results. Results. The authors of the article analyzed the current state of the money market of Ukraine as a component of the financial market. The state and trends of the functioning and prerequisites for the development of the money market in 2009–2021 were studied. The analysis of the dynamics of monetary aggregates of Ukraine, the level of monetization of the country’s economy and the level of security of the functioning of the money market was carried out. The tendencies of the development of the money market that are characteristic of the studied period are as follows: lack of control by the banking system of more than a quarter of the money supply; insignificant growth rates of monetary aggregates; growth of the share of cash in circulation; exceeding the level of security of the money market by more than three times the normative value. The diagnosis of the second component of the financial market – the capital market – was carried out, the results of which are as follows: a rapid upward trend in the volume of transactions on the capital market; dominance in the market of share securities, the share of which during the analyzed period amounted to more than 70%; the complication of the structure of securities creates conditions for the diversification of the placement of temporarily free financial resources; dominance of the secondary market with a gradual increase in its share to 99.88%. Novelty. A description of the current state of the country’s money market is given, the general trends of its development during the studied period are highlighted. Development trends of the capital market of Ukraine were determined and problems were identified that slow down the effectiveness of the transformation and integration processes of the domestic financial market. Practical value consists in the possibility of applying the developed and provided proposals regarding the formation of modern trends in the development of the financial market in general, and the money market and the capital market in particular, in order to increase the efficiency of their functioning. The obtained conclusions and research results, as well as the provided recommendations, will contribute to the effective functioning of the financial market of Ukraine. 
Keywords:Financial market, Capital market, Money market, Money aggregates, Securities, Security of the money market, Monetization of the economy
File of the article:EV20223_104-113.pdf
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