Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Priorities for the development and formation of the strategy for state regulation of the agricultural land market in Ukraine
Author:Dzhyhora O. M., Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
Annotation:Methods. The following methods were used during the research: methods of logical generalization and scientific abstraction – to clarify the conceptual apparatus of the research; system analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction – to identify regularities and historical features of the formation, use and development of institutes institutions of land relations; organizational and management analysis – for the study of the development of management systems and institutes in the land sector. Results. The state of conducting activities in the main areas of land reform in Ukraine is analyzed. Approaches to the further development of land reform in Ukraine are proposed, which consist in the improvement of financial-economic, administrative-legal, organizational, social-psychological institutes and institutions. The main tasks of the state policy in the field of agricultural land circulation are highlighted. Institutional ways of implementing state policy tasks in the field of agricultural land circulation have been determined. Ways to improve administrative and legal institutes and institutions are specified. The components of the institutional-organizational aspect of the development of land relations are defined (land management institutions, instruments of institutionalization of the management structure, planning tools (institutions). A list of the main stages of the completion of land reform in Ukraine is proposed. The importance of the development, approval and implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the State Regulation of Land Relations in the Agrarian Sector is proposed. . The elements of strategic management of the land-resource complex were studied. A conceptual model of the strategy for the development of state regulation of land relations in the agrarian sector was proposed. The specifics of the state regulation of the development of market relations in the land sphere in the agrarian sector of the economy were determined. The state regulation of the development of market relations in the land sphere in the agrarian sector was generalized in economy as a system of purposeful organizational-administrative and economically sanctioned, stimulating influence of the state on social processes and relations and regarding the economic turnover and circulation of land plots and rights to them. Novelty. The main priorities of the development and formation of the strategy of state regulation of the agricultural land market in Ukraine are revealed. A conceptual model of the development strategy of state regulation of land relations in the agrarian sector is proposed. Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the process of state regulation of the domestic agricultural land market. 
Keywords:Agricultural land market, Market relations, Land circulation, State regulation, Strategy, State policy, Management institutes, Institutions
File of the article:EV20224_009-017.pdf
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