Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Features of international etiquette in the business communication system
Authors:Yurchyshina L. I., Dnipro University of Technology,
Kalyuzhna T. M., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained with the application of the following methods: abstraction – when determining the specifics of existing approaches to understanding international etiquette; analysis and synthesis – to identify connections between the implementation of international etiquette in the system of business communications in different countries; comparative method – to clarify the specificity and commonality of implementation of etiquette situations in intercultural and international communications; induction – to generalize the obtained results. Results. The legal nature of international etiquette and the specifics of existing approaches to the understanding of international etiquette are analyzed, and their compliance with the current level of development of international legal regulation is determined. It is emphasized that international communication and the norms of its observance are important not only for professional diplomats, but also for business communication between enterprises and institutions, entrepreneurial structures, public, cultural organizations, etc. Conclusions are made about the understanding of the importance of international etiquette for the development of intercultural and international communication. Novelty. The structural and substantive characteristics of the concept of «international etiquette» have been established, which, by its form of expression and consolidation, is a special type of international custom. In terms of content, international etiquette is closest to moral and ethical norms, since etiquette is, in fact, an external manifestation of what we consider good manners. It is based on the rules of morality and ethics, mutual stability. Practical value. Promising directions are proposed, the implementation of which would ensure the development of international etiquette as a regulator of international relations in the system of business communications. The study of the ethics of international business communication and the norms of its observance are important not only for professional diplomats, but also for business communication between enterprises and institutions, entrepreneurial structures, public and cultural organizations. 
Keywords:International etiquette, Business etiquette, Normative regulation, International communication, Intercultural communication
File of the article:EV20224_042-048.pdf
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