Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Ways to improve payment systems in Ukraine in the context of European integration
Author:Vovchenko O. S., National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the research is a set of modern methods and techniques of scientific knowledge: dialectical – to determine the manifestations and consequences of European integration for the payment systems of Ukraine; deduction and induction – for the classification of payment systems; analysis and synthesis – to assess the performance of payment systems; graphic – for a visual representation of the analysis results; analogies and extrapolations – to highlight directions of payment systems of Ukraine improvement considering European Union standards. Results. The current legal framework for the functioning of payment systems in Ukraine in the context of their integration with EU payment systems has been determined. The structure of the modern market of payment systems based on their classification is characterized. The categories of importance of payment systems are intensified, which can be classified as systemically important, socially important and important. The dynamics of the main indicators of the payment systems market for the period from 2019 to 2022 were evaluated. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the key problems of the development of payment systems and the nearest prospects of their development in the conditions of European integration are determined. Novelty. The analysis of the current state and trends in the functioning of payment systems of Ukraine made it possible to identify and justify the key problems of their development. The review of the main vectors of legislative changes in the regulation of the payment sphere for the purpose of implementing the norms of European law made it possible to identify the directions of creating a high-quality, safe and competitive payment system of Ukraine. Practical value. Prospective directions for the development of payment systems of Ukraine are proposed, which can be the basis of the modern paradigm of the updated payment system, which combines various elements and technologies to ensure faster, safer and more convenient payments, taking into account European legislation. 
Keywords:Payment systems, Electronic payment system, National Bank of Ukraine, European integration, Legislation, Infrastructure, EU directive, Payment services market
File of the article:EV20224_049-056.pdf
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