Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of environmental marketing as a factor increasing the competitiveness of engineering services
Authors:Polous O. V., National Aviation University,
Baraniuk A. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of the following methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison and theoretical generalization – in the study of trends in the development of world and regional markets of engineering services; abstract-logical – to determine the features of environmental marketing management in order to increase the competitiveness of engineering services; graphic analysis – for a visual display of the obtained research results. Results. It was determined that the active development of the engineering services market is caused by the growth in demand for engineering services in countries with developing economies, as well as the growth in demand for automation of production and construction processes and Industry 4.0 technology. It has been established that environmental marketing is an important component of environmental management of any company that directs its activities to the creation, promotion and sale of environmentally friendly goods and services and to ensure effective management of the company's environmental tactics and strategy. The most common approaches to defining the concept of «sustainable (green, ecological) engineering» are considered. The vision of the environmental marketing management process is presented. Novelty. There is proposed the author's approach to defining the concept of «sustainable (green, ecological) engineering» as an approach to designing aimed at creating products, processes, services and systems that are environmentally and socially responsible, economically viable and technically feasible for implementation based on the integration of principles of sustainable development in the design and development of engineering solutions in order to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment and society. The process of managing environmental marketing has been improved in order to increase the competitiveness of engineering company services. Practical value consists in the possibility of applying the developed and provided proposals for managing environmental marketing when planning measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of engineering services of companies in the system of striving for sustainable development. The obtained conclusions and results of the research, the provided recommendations will contribute to the activation of the implementation of innovative, ecologically oriented marketing practices in the activities of Ukrainian companies. 
Keywords:Environmental marketing, «green» engineering, Services, Sustainable development, Marketing support, Competitiveness, Marketing research, Management, Innovation
File of the article:EV20224_064-071.pdf
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