Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Specifics of anti-crisis management of Ukrainian mining and steel enterprises in the conditions of military aggression
Authors:Baranets H. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Hrebenko D. O., Dnipro University of Technology,
Klodchyk O. O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of the following methods: scientific abstraction – to determine the essence of the concept of «anti-crisis management in the conditions of military operations», generalization and comparison – while establishing the differences between typical crisis phenomena and the crisis caused by military operations; system approach – when developing a model for scenario forecasting of changes in the state of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex. Results. The essence of anti-crisis management in the conditions of military operations is examined. It is established that this is a set of reactive measures aimed to minimize the effects of external factors caused by military aggression. The differences between typical crisis phenomena and the crisis caused by military actions are defined. The most significant risks of the external environment that affect the mining and steel enterprises in Ukraine are identified with PEST-analysis. A complex of anti-crisis measures was proposed. The key supporting role of the government in the restoration of the mining and steel enterprises is highlighted. On the basis of the model of scenario forecasting, the scenarios of change in the economic conditions of the mining and steel enterprises are specified. Novelty. A scientific-methodical approach to building a model of scenario forecasting of changes in the economic state of industrial enterprises has been proposed. Practical value. The proposed model makes it possible to build pessimistic, realistic, and moderately optimistic scenarios of changes in the economic conditions of the mining and steel enterprises, to describe each scenario taking into account the changes in the indicators introduced into the model, to specify the consequences for the examined group of enterprises. 
Keywords:Mining and steel complex, Anti-crisis management, Military aggression, Logistic activities, risks, PEST-analysis, Managerial analysis, Operational activity, Forecasting, Scenario approach
File of the article:EV20224_094-106.pdf
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