Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Reduction of energy cost in the processes of ore preparation on the basis of the regularities of the formation of energy spectrum
Authors:Kochura D. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Churikanova O. Yu., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. Analytical methods for the analysis of ore flow management processes and the identification of ways of process improvement for the purpose of minimizing electricity costs; mathematical methods for substantiating the regularity of the formation of spectral characteristics of the ore flow with the parameters of the technological modes of the mining, transportation and crushing equipment are used for the research of this subject area. Results. During the analysis of the energy spectra of ore preparation, a number of economic, organizational and technical measures were formed, which will allow to achieve an increase in the economic effect of the technological process. It was found that minimizing the dispersion of the excavator's working time by organizing its rhythmic work in the quarry along with increasing the load factor in order to maximize its working time significantly increases the reliability of electromechanical equipment thanks to the timely supply of dump trucks during loading. It has been established that maintaining a constant number of transport containers with ore, as well as the use of high-performance crushers and the organization of a rhythmic mode of delivery of dump trucks with ore allows to significantly reduce the cost of electricity for ore crushing. It has been proven that the use of a shuttle mode of loading bunkers with the maximum permissible loading period is effective in reducing electricity consumption by the loading system of bunkers of crushing and enrichment factories. Novelty. During the analysis of the energy spectra of ore preparation processes in order to minimize costs and increase economic efficiency of the mining and ore enterprise, the correlation between the energy consumption dynamics of the crushing and beneficiation factories and the regularities of the formation of the spectral characteristics of the ore stream and the parameters of the mining, transportation and crushing equipment was diagnosed. Practical value. A set of real practical measures aimed at reducing electricity costs at mining and beneficiation enterprises is proposed. 
Keywords:Electricity costs, Cost minimization, Spectral characteristics of the ore stream, Crushing and beneficiation plant
File of the article:EV20224_123-129.pdf
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