Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №4 (80)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Impact of digitalization on the management of innovative development of enterprises: international experience
Author:Chobitok I. O., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. The following scientific methods were used when conducting a study of the impact of digitalization on the management of innovative development of the enterprise: analysis – when establishing the position of individual countries in the international ranking of innovation development; comparative studies – when determining the place of Ukraine among other countries in view of the innovative activity of enterprises; general and specific – when studying the world experience of creating a favorable innovative environment and stimulating innovative activity taking into account its specificities in individual countries of the world. Results. The author in the article analyzed the indices of innovative development of countries. It is determined that the reform of the economic system involves the creation of effective management of the innovative development of enterprises and the transition to a new technological order, which is of fundamental importance, since the degree and speed of diffusion of innovations in the economy depends on this. The most important factor is the intensive development of the innovation management system in the context of digitalization. The purpose of foresight-innovative technologies is to identify opportunities for the fullest use of the enterprise's potential, as well as ways to ensure the effective implementation of the goals set using the chosen strategy. Novelty.There are proposed scientific and practical aspects of the formation of an innovative model for the development of enterprises based on the use of rapidly growing intellectual resources in the context of digitalization. It has been proved that in the world, especially in developed and newly industrialized countries, over the past two or three decades, experience has been gained in creating a favorable environment for managing the innovative development of enterprises, taking into account market demand, the possibilities of satisfying it, and priorities in science and industry. The innovation environment includes a policy in the field of innovation, personnel, organizational and technological infrastructure of the innovation process, social motives and the propensity of enterprises to innovate. Practical value. It was determined that innovative activity, like other spheres of economy, increasingly goes beyond state borders. Awareness of this fact allows enterprises to choose effective forms of interaction in the field of innovation, starting from the creation of national or joint research centers abroad, laboratories, to the formation of international strategic alliances and to the involvement of scientists from all over the world in priority innovative fields. 
Keywords:Digitalization, Innovative development, Management, Efficiency, International experience
File of the article:EV20224_161-169.pdf
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