Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №1 (81)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Motivation of the enterprise in risks management of transport behavior of passengers in megapolises
Authors:Petrovska S. I., National Transport University,
Shvets L. V., National Transport University,
Haidai H. H., National Transport University,
Levchuk N. M., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, where, along with general scientific methods, those determined by the specifics of the transport service. The basis of the study is the management concept as the art of changing people's transport behavior, which allows to avoid significant costs of the development of the transport system, transport risks and the negative impact of the increase in the number of private cars on the functioning of the metropolis as a place for a comfortable and safe human life. Analysis and synthesis were applied to identify the motives of transport behavior of residents of the metropolis; methods of grouping and classifications were used to identify behavioral intentions regarding the choice of the type of travel in the city; comparison – when identifying the factors affecting the choice of a vehicle according to the concept of Transportation Demand Management (TDM). Results. It has been shown that TDM campaigns often have low performance, which leads to the search for conditions and factors under which they can get the expected results. Motives for changing transport behavior are singled out, among which a separate group is formed by hidden motives. It was found that behavioral intentions regarding the type of city trip are dependent on satisfaction with previous trips, their consumer value and its predictors - sacrifices and benefits of the service. The main factor in the advantages of the transport service in the city is its quality. Novelty. It has been proven that the potential of TDM facilities in the cities of Ukraine is greater than in developed countries. The uniqueness of the state of urban transport development in Ukraine lies in the fact that the rapid improvement of its quality together with the introduction of transport demand management campaigns can create a strong influence on private car drivers and change their transport behavior. Practical value. Sustainable development of cities in ecological, economic and social dimensions in conditions of mass motorization of the population is possible only with the predominant use of public transport. The transition to the use of public transport or an increase in the frequency of its use is possible only if its quality is improved compared to the use of private cars. This requires the revision of all approaches to the evaluation of the quality of trips in the city by public transport, and therefore the results of the study can be useful for practice. 
Keywords:Quality of transport services, Motivation, Enterprise, Transport risks, Intention, Transportation demand management
File of the article:EV20231_139-144.pdf
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