Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Methodological bases for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprises' innovation activity from the standpoint of their competitiveness
Author:Ivanets D. V., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The research methodology is based on the analysis of innovation activity, the system of general scientific and specific methods, namely: method of statistical analysis, which allowed to determine the trends of innovation activity of enterprises; method of cost analysis, which allowed to reveal the trends of investment in innovation activity; methods of logical and comprehensive generalisation of theoretical sources were used to build a sequence of assessment of the effectiveness of innovation activity of enterprises; systematisation methods – to generalise the results of the research. Results. The article analyses the specifics of assessing the effectiveness of innovation activity of enterprises from the standpoint of their competitiveness. It identifies tendencies of change in the number of introduced types of innovative products and dynamics of expenditures on innovations of industrial enterprises according to official statistics. The stages of evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise's innovation activities are analysed. The main approaches to determining the efficiency of innovation activities of enterprises from the standpoint of their competitiveness are substantiated. The system of indicators that integrate various methods of assessing the efficiency of innovation activities of enterprises is considered. The factors that hinder the development of the innovation potential of domestic enterprises are analysed. Novelty. It is proved that the evaluation of innovation performance should be based on an integrated approach that includes financial, scientific, technical, social and strategic aspects. The application of an integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of innovation helps enterprises to analyse their achievements, identify weaknesses and make informed decisions to improve competitiveness. Practical value. The applied results of the study are focused on taking into account the specific positions and capabilities of the competitive potential of an enterprise when assessing the effectiveness of its innovation activity. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Innovation activity, Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation activity of enterprises, Competitiveness, Efficiency
File of the article:EV20232_145-151.pdf
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