Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic assessment of the influence of weather conditions on the dynamics of energy consumption of a mining and processing plant
Author:Kochura D. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods includes experimental studies of the spectral density of electrical active power consumed by the mining and processing plant in winter and summer, its analysis and economic evaluation of the dynamics of energy consumption and electricity costs, which are determined by the operation of the mining and processing plant enterprise. Results are an economic-mathematical model of the dependence between the dynamics of energy consumption and the costs of electricity consumed by the mining and processing plant and determined by the operation of the mining transport complex, crushing and beneficiation factory. Novelty consists in establishing the dependence of the value of the dynamic component of electrical energy, which is determined by the work of individual divisions of the mining and processing plant, on the rhythmicity of its work in different weather conditions. Practical value of the work consists in the development of a method of economic evaluation of the efficiency of each unit of the mining and processing plant, namely the mining transport complex, crushing and beneficiation factories, with the aim of reducing electricity costs by improving the dynamics of energy consumption. 
Keywords:Energy saving, Mining and ore enterprises, Energy consumption, Economic assessment
File of the article:EV20232_170-175.pdf
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