Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of a system for ensuring the quality of services of public transport enterprises
Authors:Simkova T. O., National Aviation University,
Mishchenko V. O., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the works of leading domestic and foreign scholars, methodology and system-wide principles of conducting comprehensive scientific research. Among the specific research methods used in the work are: abstract and logical – to study the development of the problems and generalize the conclusions; theoretical generalization – in the process of disclosing the essence of the category «quality of service»; observation, comparative advantages, economic analysis, grouping and comparison – to study indicators, tools and factors of development of transport enterprises; the method of groupings – in deepening the general classification of the system of ensuring the quality of services of public transport enterprises. Results. The key aspects of strategic planning, resource allocation and systematic analysis of the performance of a transport enterprise are identified. The indicators that ensure the improvement of the quality of services and the tools for ensuring the system of management of the transport enterprise performance are identified. The factors and conditions influencing the organisational and economic components of ensuring the quality of services of public transport enterprise have been allocated, as well as the factors of internal and external environments of influence on the studied components have been identified. An organisational and economic model for improving the quality of services of transport enterprise has been formed, which is a set of measures, strategies and approaches aimed at improving the level of passenger service and optimising economic processes in the activities of public transport enterprise. Based on the research, an integrated approach has been determined, which covers a number of measures and strategies aimed at improving passenger service and optimising economic processes to improve the quality of services of a public transport enterprise. Novelty. In the course of forming a system for managing the efficiency of a transport enterprise, an organisational and economic model for improving the quality of services of a transport enterprise has been developed, which is a set of measures, strategies and approaches aimed at improving the level of passenger service and optimising economic processes in the activities of a public transport enterprise. Practical value. The article offers guidelines for effective management of transport activities, which cover key aspects of strategic planning, resource allocation and systematic analysis of efficiency, aimed at improving the quality of services and improving the level of passenger service and optimising economic processes in the activities of public transport enterprises. 
Keywords:Quality of services, Quality assurance, Transport enterprise, Performance, Competitiveness, External and internal factors, Organisational and economic factors
File of the article:EV20233_168-177.pdf
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