Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:English
Title:Structural capital: essence and role in ensuring technical and technological development
Authors:Sichinava A., Georgian Technical University,
Dubiei Yu. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The research is based on the use of such methods as: abstraction – when establishing the essence of the category of «structural capital», logical and historical – when researching the origins of theories of technological determinism, grouping – when classifying theories of technological determinism and components of structural capital, structural-functional – when determining the influence of each of the components of structural capital on the technical and technological development of society. Results. The work defines the methodological origins of the theories of technological determinism and evolutionary concepts of technological changes. Within the theories of technological determinism, two groups of conceptual approaches to the study of technical and technological development are distinguished, namely: theories of economic futurology and transformation of the economy. The second group of theories is recognized as the most constructive in the study of the factors of technical and technological development, since it is in them that changes in structural and organizational and legal factors are considered. Different essential content of the «structural capital» category has been demonstrated. It is proposed to consider the components of structural capital in view of its material and immaterial characteristics. Material assets include the results of human activity that can be codified, documented and legally protected. Intangible assets include elements that reflect the intangible side of production processes and combine all those elements that cannot be codified, documented and legally protected. Novelty. Taking into account the nature of changes caused by the action of technical and technological factors, the theory of technological determinism is divided into the concept of economic futurology and the theory of transformation of the economy. The use of the methodological potential of the latter made it possible to distinguish material and immaterial components of structural capital and establish the role of organizational factors in the technical and technological development of society. Practical value. Improved methodological approaches to the classification of theories of technological determinism and the grouping of elements of structural capital allow to more accurately identify the factors influencing technical and technological development and predict the consequences for the functioning of the economic system of society. 
Keywords:Theories of societal transformation, Theories of technological determinism, Structural capital, Material assets, Intangible assets, Human capital, Technical and technological development
File of the article:EV20241_015-021.pdf
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