Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Article language:English
Title:Impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on business processes
Author:Mshvidobadze T. I., Gori State University
Annotation:Methods. The article is based on a theoretical review of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on changing business models. In the course of study, the methods of scientific abstraction were used – when establishing the relationship between artificial intelligence and machine learning, analysis and synthesis – when determining the advantages of using artificial intelligence in business. Results. The article examines the essence of artificial intelligence and machine learning, shows the relationship between them. The impact of these new digital tools on economic processes and, above all, on the dynamic aspects of the functioning of business structures is characterized. The opinion of experts is presented, who predict that artificial intelligence will do everything that humans can do, but with much higher accuracy. Discussions on the ethical aspects of using artificial intelligence are analyzed. It was determined that Business Operation allows organizations to quickly cope with their business opportunities, reduce the number of errors, increase the transparency of their activities and thus create favorable conditions for significantly improving the results of their economic activities. Along with this, companies get the opportunity to observe their workforce, on the basis of which to create favorable conditions for improving its quality and introducing innovative content. This allows to significantly increase the innovative activity of companies, since the use of artificial intelligence allows forming requirements for teams, as it allows seeing the first obstacles to the development of innovative solutions. At the same time, if businesses maintain a better erudition about artificial intelligence, they will be able to modernize their business early and succeed. Novelty. The study demonstrated important aspects of the interconnection between artificial intelligence and machine learning and their impact on changing business models. Practical value. The study demonstrated important aspects of the relationship between artificial intelligence and machine learning and their impact on changing business models. 
Keywords:Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Business, Learning algorithms, Hologram technologies
File of the article:EV20241_081-086.pdf
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