Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Logistics support for the management of sales activities at the enterprise
Authors:Sysoiev V. V., National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
Korin M. V., Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific methods, such as generalization and systematization to characterize the general features of distribution logistics and determine the essence of logistical support for the management of sales activities at the manufacturing enterprise; analysis and synthesis to identify factors influencing sales and logistics activities, to identify areas of implementation of logistics solutions in sales and to structure the logistics support mechanism for sales management. Results. Based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of distribution logistics, the essence is revealed and the concept of «logistics support for the management of sales activities at the enterprise» is proposed. The tasks of logistics in the process of selling finished products and possible ways of solving them are analyzed. The diagram of the logistics support mechanism of sales management was formed, the influencing factors were determined, the characteristics of its components were given, and the criteria for optimizing logistics solutions were determined. Novelty. Represented theoretical provisions of logistics support for the management of the company's sales activities, based on a complex combination of marketing and logistics. The logistics support mechanism for sales management is presented as a system of consistent, logically interconnected logistics solutions and measures aimed at achieving the goals of sales management through resource optimization, rational selection of physical distribution options, and its implementation taking into account various influencing factors. Practical value. The proposed mechanism of logistics support for the management of sales activities implements a comprehensive approach to the organization of logistics processes in the field of sales and ensures optimization of the management of product flows in the conditions of multivariate schemes and methods of physical distribution of finished products from the manufacturing enterprise to end consumers. 
Keywords:Management of sales activities, Manufacturing company, Intermediary, Client, Distribution logistics, Logistics support, Mechanism, Logistics channels, Distribution chains, Optimization, Logistics technologies
File of the article:EV20241_087-098.pdf
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