Annotation: | Methods. During the study of the state of the dental business and modern trends in its development in Ukraine, the following scientific methods were used: abstraction - when defining the concept of «medical service», statistical analysis – when establishing trends in the development of the field of dental services, factor analysis – when distinguishing external factors and the internal environment of the operation of the dental business, strategic analysis – when creating a strategic map of the development of the dental business. Results. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the modern market of dental services corresponds to the type of market of monopolistic competition to a greater extent by the set of features. The author’s definition of the concept of «medical service» is provided, according to which it is presented as consistently defined actions or a set of actions of medical personnel aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases that have a complete independent essence and a certain price. Information asymmetry, which creates a conflict between the medical and economic interests of dentists, is singled out as one of the features of the market of dental services. The price and non-price factors of demand for dental services, in particular for dental implants, were determined, and the cost structure of basic dental services was analyzed. The transformation of providers of dental services into vertically integrated holdings is recognized as one of the most promising ways of developing the dental market. Novelty. A quantitative assessment of the influence of external and internal environmental factors on the development opportunities of the dental company was carried out. A strategic map of the development of the dental business was created and a system of balanced indicators was developed to assess the situation. Practical value. The proposed improved method of assessing the factors of the internal and external environment, as well as the created strategic map of the development of the dental business allows seeing the goals of its development. |
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