Issue: | 2024 №2 (86) |
Section: | Marketing |
UDK: | 339.138 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 132-139 |
Title: | Technological approach in innovative activities of enterprises in formation of marketing products: socio-economic aspects |
Authors: | Chobitok V. I., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Godunov S. D., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy |
Annotation: | Methods. During the research, the following methods were used as: logical and historical method – when studying the evolution of outdoor advertising under the influence of the emergence of new technologies; analysis and synthesis – when identifying key types of digital technologies that have an impact on increasing the efficiency of the company's marketing activities; factor analysis – when establishing the influence of innovative technologies in the format of LED-neon and 3D printing on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Results. The evolution of the development of outdoor advertising is analyzed in view of the changes caused by the transition of the technical and technological system of society to a new, higher level. Modern trends in the development of the technical and technological factor have been identified, namely: the transition to the digital economy. The components of modern innovative technologies used in the field of outdoor advertising are singled out and their influence on the effectiveness of the company's marketing activities is demonstrated. Innovative technologies such as LED-neon and 3D printing are characterized, and their role in increasing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns through the creation of innovative technological marketing products in the form of digital billboards with LED screens and 3D projection is shown. The main socio-economic results of the use of digital tools in outdoor advertising are identified, which include: the possibility of creating complex and detailed advertising structures with high accuracy, which attracts the attention of potential customers; wider possibilities of using interactive elements and the possibility of personalizing advertising messages, which increases the level of customer engagement, as well as the level of trust and loyalty to the brand. This leads to an increase in the client base and an increase in the company's profits. Novelty. The article proves the effectiveness of digital technologies in ensuring the effectiveness of the company's marketing activities, in particular, the impact on the economic indicators of outdoor advertising. The relationship between the improvement of advertising through LED-neon and 3D printing and the growth of environmental awareness of consumers and social responsibility of business has been established. Practical value. It was determined that innovative technological developments are a critical element of successful interaction between contractors and customers in the field of implementation of outdoor advertising projects. They contribute to the growth of enterprises, increase the efficiency of their marketing activities and create stable socio-economic ties. Permanent implementation of innovative technologies and adaptation to turbulent market conditions will allow to achieve tactical and strategic goals, ensuring a high level of interaction and efficiency. |
Keywords: | Marketing, Marketing research, Marketing tools, Consumers, Business environment, Innovative activity, Innovative technological developments, Socio-economic aspects |
File of the article: | EV20242_132-139.pdf |
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