Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:English
Title:Women's entrepreneurship: a global perspective
Author:Sosanidze M. O., Gori State University (Georgia)
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the study was the following methods of scientific research: analysis and synthesis – when identifying the latest trends in the development of modern entrepreneurship; comparative analysis – when clarifying the specifics of the development of entrepreneurship implemented by women in the countries of Europe and Asia; scientific generalization – when formulating recommendations for the formation of an effective policy of supporting women's entrepreneurship. Results. The article presents a study highlighting the current situation in the field of women's entrepreneurship. Based on the analysis of modern trends in business development, it was established that economic subjects of the female gender most actively implement the function of entrepreneurship – they are more likely than men to open their own businesses and hold management positions at enterprises. It has been determined that in recent years, women's entrepreneurship has become the most important driving force of economic growth and innovation around the world. Despite numerous difficulties, female entrepreneurs have demonstrated resilience, creativity and a unique approach to business, which not only contributes to economic development, but also initiates social changes in society. Novelty. The essence of the phenomenon of female entrepreneurship is defined and its characteristic features are highlighted. The specificity of the functioning of women's entrepreneurship in European countries and Asia has been revealed. Problems faced by female business founders are highlighted. An assessment of the effectiveness of the existing support systems for women's entrepreneurship is provided and recommendations for its development are offered. Practical value. Through a comprehensive analysis, we present results that demonstrate the need to create an enabling environment for women-led businesses, which ultimately contributes to sustainable economic development. Our findings highlight the urgent need for ongoing research and practical initiatives that further integrate women's perspectives into entrepreneurship, paving the way for future research in this important area. 
Keywords:Women entrepreneurs, Economic growth, Entrepreneurship, Gender equality, Innovation, Support systems, Access to finance, Networking, Intersectionality, Sustainable development
File of the article:EV20243_050-056.pdf
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