Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Impact of the russian-ukrainian war on the foreign economic activities of enterprises in the context of international management
Authors:Boichenko M. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Dudnyk A. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Boiarkin M. O., Dnipro University of Technology,
Molodan M. A., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. During the research, a set of general scientific methods of cognition were used, in particular methods of analysis and synthesis – to study the influence of force majeure circumstances on foreign economic activity; analysis of dynamic series – when determining the directions of changes in the structure of foreign trade by product groups and main supply markets, induction – for determining methods of managing international supply chains depending on the state of trade and payment balances. Results. The article defines the main geographical regions to which the products of Ukrainian manufacturers are exported, as well as those that serve as a source of import trade flows for Ukraine. The ratings of the countries with the largest share of imports of Ukrainian-made products, as well as the largest supplier countries that export their goods to the Ukrainian market, are presented. The most important export goods of Ukrainian enterprises have been determined, and a list of goods imported by Ukrainian enterprises from abroad has been provided. A comparison of the structure of export and import on the Ukrainian market was made, taking into account the impact of Russian aggression on the foreign economic activity of enterprises. Novelty. The nature of the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the global supply chains of Ukrainian enterprises, as well as on the state of international trade, is determined. The assessments of Ukrainian and foreign experts regarding the impact of Russian aggression on the fragmentation of the world market and the strengthening of protectionist tendencies on the part of national governments are summarized. It is demonstrated how the division of countries into several camps, described in particular by the concept of a «bipolar world», will affect the management of international supply chains of Ukrainian firms. Practical value. Recommendations are offered for Ukrainian enterprises regarding the implementation of foreign economic activities taking into account the risks of martial law. 
Keywords:International management, Foreign economic activity, Force majeure, International trade, Management of international supply chains, International logistics
File of the article:EV20243_057-069.pdf
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