Annotation: | Methods. The methods used as the methodological basis of the study were: analysis and synthesis - when identifying modern trends in the development of international trade in agricultural products; factor analysis – when identifying factors that stimulate the growth of international trade in agricultural products; generalization – when processing statistical data with the aim of establishing the dynamics of global export and import of grain crops by the largest exporting countries; normative analysis – when formulating recommendations for improving the position of Ukraine on the world market of agricultural products and creating conditions for its food security. Results. Current global trends in the development of international trade in agricultural products were considered, and the main subjects of the global agricultural market are singled out. The place of Ukraine in the world market of agricultural products is determined and the role played by the country in shaping the offer of the specified product is shown. The main problems of Ukraine's food security, which are related to its participation in international trade and economic relations in the agrarian sector of the economy, are singled out. Recommendations were given to strengthen Ukraine's competitive position on the world market of agricultural products and create conditions for its food security. Novelty. The main global trends in the field of international trade in agricultural products were proposed, which is based on a comparative analysis of challenges and opportunities for a country that participates in the international exchange of agricultural products. The weak and strong sides of Ukraine's participation in the international trade of agricultural products have been identified in view of its economic security. New opportunities and challenges for the export of nationally produced agricultural products have been identified. Practical value. The conducted analysis provides an understanding of the state and development trends of the world market of agricultural products, which allows to strengthen the place and role of Ukraine in trade and economic relations with other countries of the world, as well as to create conditions for its food security. |
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