Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Project teamswork efficiency management in organization
Authors:Shvets V. Ya., Dnipro University of Technology,
Shulyar R. V., Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Bogach K. S., Dnipro University of Technology,
Mykhieiev D. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. During the study of the specifics of managing the effectiveness of the work of project teams, a set of general scientific methods of cognition was used, in particular, general and specific methods – when establishing the specifics of the organization of the work of project teams, taking into account the influence of internal and external environmental factors; method of comparisons – to compare the advantages of using cascade and flexible methods of planning and organizing project works. Results. The article analyzes the main approaches to organizing the work of project teams. The role played by project managers in achieving its strategic goals is determined. The specifics of managing their effectiveness are singled out and the importance for the manager of constant monitoring of changes in the internal and external environment, systematic updating of information, on the basis of which key management decisions are made, is demonstrated. The expediency of using by the management of the organization those influence tools inherent in the agile methodology (flexible project management) has been updated. Variants of managerial influence to improve the efficiency of the project team are offered, and signs of its effective work are presented. Novelty. The specifics of the application of flexible methodological approaches to the organization of people's work in organizations, taking into account resource limitations, are determined. Recommendations are provided for working with stakeholders in the process of transforming the organization's business model and creating a product that has final consumer value. Practical value. The results of the research presented in the article make it possible to choose the areas of concentration of efforts of the management of the organization depending on the context of activity and the resources available in the organization. 
Keywords:Management, Project management, Efficiency, Organization, Project team
File of the article:EV20243_120-130.pdf
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