Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Risk management in the system of organizational and economic support of enterprise energy security
Author:Budanov M. P., Educational and Research Institute «Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy» by name of V. N. Karazin
Annotation:Methods. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach that meets the current challenges of energy security of enterprises under the influence of external and internal threats. It involves the use of an integrated approach, within which quantitative and qualitative methods of risk analysis are combined. This methodological approach takes into account the need for integration and systematization of different-level risk management strategies, including macro-, meso- and micro-levels. This makes it possible to form effective organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring energy security management of the enterprise in conditions of entropy. Along with this, the method of abstraction was used, which was applied to establish the essence of the concept of «risk management» in the context of organizational and economic support for energy security management of enterprises. Results. A model of the risk management process has been created, which combines seven stages, namely: analysis and identification of risks, their assessment, prioritization, development of risk management strategies, integration into the organizational and economic structure, development and implementation of a monitoring and control system, evaluation and adjustment of the model. The practical value of the model, which consists in providing comprehensive risk management to protect the energy security of the enterprise, as well as optimizing the use of resources and increasing resistance to possible threats, has been determined. An algorithm of the risk management process has been developed in the aspect of the formation of organizational and economic support for the energy security management of the enterprise. According to this algorithm, risk management is a complex multifactorial process that requires comprehensive analysis and continuous monitoring of internal and external threats in order to increase the level of energy security of enterprises and minimize potential risks. Novelty. An improved complex algorithm of the energy security risk management process of enterprises has been developed. This algorithm integrates a systematic approach to the collection, processing and continuous monitoring of information in real time, which allows to increase the efficiency of risk forecasting and the efficiency of management decision-making. The proposed approach includes a detailed comparative analysis of risk management methods at the macro, meso, and micro levels, taking into account the specific conditions of each level, which allows assessing potential threats and the degree of their impact on the enterprise's energy security risk management process. Practical value of the research lies in the fact that enterprises, implementing the developed algorithm of the risk management process in the aspect of forming organizational and economic provision of energy security, help enterprises not only to respond to crisis situations, but also to predict them. An important practical point is the implementation of a systematic approach, which includes the continuous collection and analysis of information, thanks to continuous monitoring and processing of data in real time, which allows enterprises to assess both internal and external risk factors. 
Keywords:Risks, Risk management, Enterprise energy security, Organizational and economic support, Threats, Monitoring
File of the article:EV20243_150-160.pdf
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