Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:On the issue of quality management in the provision of educational services in higher education institutions
Authors:Bardas A. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Zamkovyi M. Yu., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. To achieve scientific results, the following methods were applied: analysis – to identify problems in the functioning of the higher education system in Ukraine; comparative studies – to compare quality management models of educational services in Ukrainian higher education institutions and universities of several foreign countries; generalization and visualization – to present the results of sociological surveys within the context of the Deming Cycle (PDCA), using the example of the National Technical University Dnipro University of Technology. Results. The article reveals the mechanisms for ensuring the quality of higher education, demonstrates their effectiveness, and provides a comparative analysis of the experience of specific higher education institutions in both Ukraine and some foreign countries. It explains the essence of sociological surveys and demonstrates their importance in ensuring the quality of higher education. Novelty. The importance of sociological surveys as an effective tool for assessing the quality of educational processes in higher education is demonstrated. Their role in improving educational programs and the quality management system in higher education is defined. Changes in the mechanisms of quality assurance during crisis conditions (in particular, martial law) are highlighted, which is a relevant and insufficiently covered topic in contemporary research. It is proven that a detailed analysis of surveys within the framework of the Deming Cycle (PDCA) and Total Quality Management (TQM) is a unique approach to effectively managing the quality of education in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Practical value. The results obtained may be useful for the leadership of higher education institutions and their quality assurance departments in the development and implementation of specific mechanisms that will help HEIs provide high-quality educational services. In the future, this may lead to improved educational service delivery and more effective communication with higher education seekers. 
Keywords:Management, Quality management, Quality management system, Total quality management, Deming Cycle, Business-process, Organization, Higher education institutions, Educational process, Quality assurance, Surveys, Monitoring
File of the article:EV20244_072-090.pdf
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