Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Business process reengineering in retail: optimizing a company's distribution network
Authors:Vagonova O. H., Dnipro University of Technology,
Kasyanenko L. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Chornobaev V. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Ashcheulova O. M., Dnipro University of Technology,
Harzha M. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The study is based on the use of the following methods: classification of retail enterprises by logistical, territorial and organizational characteristics; a system approach to designing logistics networks; discrete and continuous modeling for optimizing the distribution network. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of corporate strategies and market conditions that affect the design of distribution networks. Results. The study showed that reengineering of business processes in retail trade contributes to the formation of competitive distribution networks. The analysis of classifications of retail enterprises was conducted and tools were proposed for their rational grouping, taking into account the assortment, regional features and organizational structure. It was determined that the implementation of modern logistics strategies allows reducing service costs, improving the quality of customer service and ensuring flexibility of logistics processes. The proposed approaches contribute to adaptation to changes in the market environment, which is especially relevant in conditions of growing competition. The main factors influencing the choice of modeling methods are identified and recommendations for building optimal logistics networks are developed. Novelty. A comprehensive approach to designing logistics networks is proposed, which combines simplified and complex modeling methods for effective resource management. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of corporate strategy with logistics processes and taking into account changing market conditions. Practical value. The results of the study have significant practical value for retail enterprises that seek to increase their efficiency in a dynamic market. The proposed modeling methods allow reducing transportation and warehousing costs, as well as optimizing inventory levels. The use of modern approaches to designing logistics networks contributes to an increase in the level of customer service and increasing their loyalty. Recommendations for choosing logistics strategies can be applied not only in retail trade, but also in other sectors of the economy where optimization of logistics processes is necessary. The implementation of the proposed approaches allows enterprises to adapt to changing market conditions, increase the efficiency of resource use, and ensure long-term sustainability of business. 
Keywords:Reengineering, Business processes, Retail, Logistics network, Distribution network, Corporate strategy, Optimization
File of the article:EV20244_130-140.pdf
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