Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Section:Hospitality industry
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Personalization of marketing communications in the hotel and restaurant business: tools for increasing customer loyalty
Authors:Bezuhla L. S., Dnipro University of Technology,
Kuvaieva T. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Yazina V. A., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. Using the methods of analysis and synthesis, a detailed analysis of literary sources, scientific articles and practical cases related to marketing communications in the hospitality sector was carried out. The results obtained were synthesized to form a generalized picture of the state of personalization in the industry. The grouping method was used to systematize marketing communications personalization tools by types of communication channels (CRM systems, mobile applications, loyalty programs, etc.). The study was carried out using a systems approach, which allowed us to consider personalized marketing communications as a complex process that includes data collection, customer segmentation, creation of personalized offers and their implementation through various communication channels. Results. It is proven that thanks to the rapid development of digital technologies, the hotel and restaurant industry is introducing innovations such as online booking, mobile applications, automation of service processes, as well as personalized services, which allows to increase the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. A detailed study of personalized marketing communications tools in the hotel and restaurant business has been carried out. It has been proven that personalized marketing communications are a powerful tool for increasing customer engagement and increasing sales, allowing to create an individual experience for each client, which helps strengthen the brand, increase its competitiveness and long-term consumer loyalty. Novelty. The author's definition of the essence of personalized marketing communications in the hotel and restaurant business is proposed as the process of creating individual marketing messages and offers for specific customers or audience segments based on their preferences, behavior, previous purchases and other collected information. Also, the novelty lies in the development of the author's methodology for personalizing marketing communications, which includes a comprehensive approach to data collection, segmentation, analysis and implementation of personalized offers. The proposed methodology allows you to increase the competitiveness of hotel and restaurant businesses. The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of using the developed methodology by enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business to increase the level of customer loyalty, increase revenues and improve reputation in the market. The methodology can be adapted for different market segments and business scales, which makes it universal for use in modern competition. 
Keywords:Hospitality, Personalized services, Loyalty programs, Marketing communications, Hotel and restaurant business, Image
File of the article:EV20244_162-169.pdf
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