Annotation: | Methods. The results were obtained by applying the following methods: abstraction – to determine the essence of the category «barrier-free tourism»; analysis – to assess existing barriers and obstacles that limit the accessibility of tourist services for people with disabilities and other lowmobility population groups; grouping – to classify the main directions of development of barrier-free tourism by types of infrastructure and services; generalization – to form recommendations for the integration of barrier-free approaches into the tourism industry. Results. The main factors influencing the development of barrier-free tourism were identified, in particular, infrastructural, organizational, legal and socio-economic aspects. The level of accessibility of tourist facilities and services for low-mobility population groups in Ukraine was studied. The need to implement inclusive approaches to the design of tourist infrastructure was noted, including the adaptation of public transport, the creation of safe pedestrian routes and information accessibility. The importance of training personnel in the tourism sector to serve people with special needs is emphasized. Key opportunities for the development of barrier-free tourism are identified through the implementation of innovative technologies, in particular digital platforms for travel planning and adaptive services. Novelty. Based on the results of a survey conducted by the State Agency for Tourism Development on the physical accessibility of accommodation facilities in Ukraine, the level of state support and digitalization of the tourist space, a SWOT analysis was conducted to assess the current state of barrier-free tourism. A model for comprehensive provision of accessibility of tourist services for lowmobility population groups has been developed, which covers all stages of the tourist experience – from planning to direct stay in tourist locations. Practical value. The results of the study can serve as the basis for developing strategies for the implementation of barrier-free tourism in the regions of Ukraine. The proposed recommendations will be useful for government agencies, tourism enterprises, public organizations dealing with inclusion issues, as well as for investors interested in creating accessible tourism infrastructure. The implementation of measures aimed at the development of barrier-free tourism will contribute to increasing social equality, economic growth and the international image of Ukraine. |
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