Annotation: | Methods. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are general scientific and specific methods from the theory of investment and strategic management: methods of generalisation and comparison, analysis and synthesis were used to describe and formalise the theoretical foundations of the strategic development of transport enterprises and their investment activities; methods of strategic analysis, graphical visualisation, decomposition were used to formulate the main approaches to structuring and formalising strategic guidelines for investing in neomodernisation. Results. The article reveals the results of the research on the strategic orientation of investment in the neo-modernisation renovation of transport enterprises. The author has researched the challenges and needs of neo-modernisation renovation of transport enterprises. The article reveals the factorsstimulators and factors that impede the implementation of neo-modernisation of development of enterprises. It is substantiated that the conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of investments in the neo-modernisation renovation of transport enterprises are innovation, competitiveness and integration into a single transport and logistics complex. Based on the identified patterns and strategic goals, the author formalises the strategic guidelines for the non-modernisation renovation: introduction of digital and environmental innovations, investment in the development of social infrastructure to increase personnel motivation and form a corporate culture, integration and clustering of transport enterprises into the international transport and logistics system, economic security and investment support that form the sustainability of the development environment. The author also describes the conditions for the implementation of strategic guidelines in different types of transport. Novelty. The scientific achievements of the author of the research are to improve the strategic approach to substantiating the vectors of neo-modernisation renewal of transport enterprises. The author's structure of directions of investment activity implementation is described, which allowed to reveal the general strategy of transport enterprises development. Practical value. The conditions for the application of the described strategic guidelines in the investment support of neo-modernisation renewal of enterprises in various sectors of the transport sector are substantiated. |
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