Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №4 (88)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Relevance of the phenomenon of «resilience» in building the configuration of modern economic relations
Author:Sorokin S. A., V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained by applying the following methods: analysis and synthesis – when determining the place of resilience in the system of economic relations and establishing its relationship with sustainable development; system analysis – when considering resilience as a system of interconnected components that affect the adaptability and stability of economic systems; comparative analysis – when comparing approaches to measuring resilience, including the use of indices, indicators and scenario models. Results. The article considers the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon of «resilience», its interdisciplinary nature and relevance in building the configuration of modern economic relations. It is determined that the development of resilience of economic systems depends on the comprehensive implementation of adaptive mechanisms, such as diversification of economic activity, integration of digital technologies, development of critical infrastructure and creation of effective risk management mechanisms. It is demonstrated that state support, in particular through sustainable development policies, is a necessary condition for increasing the resilience of economies to external challenges and threats. The connection between resilience and sustainable development is established, which provides the opportunity to maintain a balance between economic efficiency, social justice and environmental responsibility. It is proved that the integration of resilience principles into the model of economic cooperation contributes to the formation of adaptive and sustainable relations between market participants, increasing competitiveness and minimizing risks in the global economic environment. Novelty. It is established that resilience is not only the ability of systems to withstand crisis phenomena, but also has the potential to effectively adapt to new conditions, using challenges as opportunities for development. The ability of economies to structurally adapt, innovate, maintain social stability and environmental sustainability determines their viability in the long term. Practical value. Resilience is not only a relevant scientific concept, but also a practical tool that allows economic systems to ensure their stability and efficiency in a dynamic and unstable environment. Its development is an integral part of sustainable economic growth, which meets the modern challenges of globalization, digitalization and climate change. 
Keywords:Resilience, Economic relations, Unstable conditions, Configuration
File of the article:EV20244_206-213.pdf
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