Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2015 №3 (51)
Section:Development of economic education and training
Article language:Russian
Title:Partnership as a method for promoting the model of higher education for sustainable development
Authors:Shvetz V. Ya.,
Palekhova L.,
Schmidt M.,
Palekhov D.
Annotation:This article explores the concept of partnership as an applied tool for modernisation of university education and formulated specific characteristics of university partnership for the purpose of promoting sustainable development. The authors discussed the main types and functions of partnership in the context of transition of Ukrainian universities towards the new model of higher education. The article revealed the differences and interrelation between internal and external partnership for promoting principles of sustainable development in the higher education. Finally, the authors analysed the experience of partnership relations between the SHEI «National Mining University» and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg in improving the standard of knowledge and increasing awareness about various aspects of sustainable development. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, University education for sustainable development, Internal and external partnership, University partnership
File of the article:EV20153_146-154.pdf
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