Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №1 (65)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Models of formation and development of innovative activities: international experience
Author:Koleschuk O. Ya., Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:The author examines the international experience of formation and development of innovative activity. Typical models of innovative development, which are characteristic of countries of different levels of development, are distinguished. The author discusses the essence of EuroAtlantic model used in the UK, Germany and France; the East Asian model, which is typical of Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan; the alternative model most prevalent in Thailand, Chile, Turkey, Jordan, Portugal; models of the triple helix , which underlies the development of the United States and several European countries. Based on an analysis of Bloomberg Agency data on the ranking of the top ten countries in 2015-2019 by the level of innovation development, it is found that this list includes countries that use different models of innovation development. This indicates that there is no dominance in the international practice of innovative activity of any one universal model characterized by the highest efficiency. Therefore, each of the considered models of innovative development has its advantages, which are realized under specific-historical conditions of functioning of a country. Therefore, it is not legitimate to say that in the Ukrainian economy it is necessary to use only a certain specific model in the development of innovative activity. The analysis of the main directions of innovation activity in modern Ukraine showed that in relation to our country it is possible to speak only about the origin of innovation in the domestic space. It is proved that the basis of the national model of development of innovative activity is a creative combination of advantages of the most widespread innovative models in the world practice. It is shown that in Ukraine there are only isolated examples of practical experience of using these models. Despite the large number of tools and measures implemented to enhance the effectiveness of domestic innovation, the effect of their application is still insignificant. The main problems, which are connected with the effective introduction of innovativeness in the Ukrainian economy, are identified, namely: imperfect legal framework, inefficient scientific and management systems of society. 
Keywords:Innovative development, Euro-Atlantic model, East Asian model, Alternative model, the model of «triple helix»
File of the article:EV20191_086-095.pdf
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